In what year did you start CrossFit?

Why did you start CrossFit?
I used to watch my mom and dad work out at Straight Flush CrossFit when I was very young. As soon as I was old enough I started joining in on the classes.

How many days per week do you CrossFit and what is your normal class time?
During the school year and baseball season I only get to go to the gym about twice a week. We try to go 4-5 times a week during the off-season. We go to the class times that fit our schedule, which changes a lot.

What is your favorite movement?
Rope climbs are by far my favorite exercise. It’s fun and I’m really good at it.

What movement do you want to conquer?
I’ve been trying to get better at handstand walks.

What kind of music do you like to listen to when you work out?
Hip Hop is my favorite, especially Bruno Mars

What kind of changes have you noticed since joining Straight Flush?
CrossFit has made me way tougher. I never quit the workouts even when they are really hard.

What do you do for a living?
I go to school now, but I’ll be in the big leagues soon.

What do you like to do when you’re not working out at Straight Flush?
I like to play with my dog Molly. I like playing baseball, pong pong, and other games with my family.

What do you love most about the Straight Flush community?
I love how all the coaches push me and help me improve. I love how the Straight Flush members respect me and my brother, Luke, and they don’t treat us like little kids.