In what year did you start CrossFit?
Why did you start CrossFit?
I wanted another way to workout. I had tried a class before and liked it so I thought it’d be nice.
How many days per week do you CrossFit and what is your normal class time?
Normally around 5 to 7 days. 5am is my normal class time
What is your favorite movement?
Power clean and jerk!
What movement do you want to conquer?
So many!!! Pull ups and snatches probably are top of the list.
What kind of music do you like to listen to when you work out?
Spanish music
What kind of changes have you noticed since joining Straight Flush?
I’ve noticed that physically I’ve gotten stronger but also mentally I used to not think I could do heavier weights which made me scared to try. But I have significantly worked on those fears and gotten past them!
What do you do for a living?
Entertainment Marketing
What do you like to do when you’re not working out at Straight Flush?
Something else that’s active - probably on a run, rock climbing, hiking or yoga.
What do you love most about the Straight Flush community?
The people!!! Everyone is so welcoming, encouraging, and helpful. I think that’s hard to come by for a gym.